If I have a meth decontamination treatment of my home, will I need to repaint? This factor will depend on the condition of the house when the contamination was identified. It also depends on how much
Mould is a harmful fungus that can cause illness and disease if left untreated. If the air in your home is moist, or there is little ventilation you may find mould appearing on ceilings or surfaces.
Is your home methamphetamine free? If you don’t know the answer, you should have your house tested for Meth residue ASAP. From the initial rapid field tests which give you a positive or negative
The health effects of meth residue contamination vary in different people. Methamphetamine residue can cause allergies or respiratory issues depending on the person. That’s why getting a meth
Do you know how meth-contaminated houses can affect you or your family?
Your health could be at risk, so act now!
If you’re going to buy a new property, you should be aware of possible
Did you know that there are specific measures that should be taken to ensure the cleanliness of your workspace?
The professional team at Dunrite Decon can help you put an effective remediation plan
Are you considering purchasing a property?
Then, for your family’s safety make sure you are aware of any meth contamination issues that you could have.
Did you know that property could become